Joseph Antoine wanis
Joseph Antoine wanis was born in year 1978 in hadath, baabda, Mount Lebanon.
Raised to love his country and sacrifice for the freedom sovereignty and independence of Lebanon.
He studied law at the Lebanese university, faculty of law and political sciences branch II, and acquired his BA in year 2001.
He later acquired his masters’ degree in private law from la Sagesse university- Beirut in year 2004.
He is a member of the Beirut bar association and has participated in a significant number of cultural, legal and international seminars and conventions regarding human rights.
On the 26th of August 1992, his brother Philippe fell a martyr alongside lieutenant Imad Abboud in Baabda after an explosive package was planted at the lieutenant’s office.
Following the incident, Joseph was accused of an attempted coup, with the support of General Michele Aoun who was exiled to France at that period, on ruling regime back then. As a result, he was arrested at the age of fourteen and interrogated for armed resistance to the Syrian occupation in Lebanon.
Joseph continued the path of resistance while a student at the Lebanese university, where he served as an elected delegate of the “free patriotic movement” organizing and participating in several protests against the Syrian occupation, and was arrested on the 9th of August of 2001 during the famous protest in front of the Palace of Justice in Beirut which demanded the release of those arrested on August the 7th whom were unjustly imprisoned by the security forces, which was a strike at freedom and democracy, and as a result he was sent to trial along his comrades and spent fifteen days in prison.
He served as the secretary of the “FPM” office, in the town of Hadath from 1998 until 2008 and its coordinator until 2011, he also was in charge of the “FPM” awareness program in the Baabda district from 2001 till 2004, and a member of the “hadath gathering” which focuses on the affairs of the town of Hadath regarding several fields social, development, political and cultural.
He participated in the founding of the wanis family association which focuses on the Family values and spreading of love and connection between its members; he currently serves as head of its administrative comity.
In addition to that he has participated in several workshops concerning amicable dispute resolution, and in year 2015 he was granted a certificate from the Lebanese university, in cooperation with the Beirut bar association, in mediation and conciliation, and became an accredited mediator in dispute resolution.
He also fights from his position in “the people want to reform the system” movement, pursuing reformation, and aims for individualized reform that leads to family reforms and family reforms which lead to town reforms and town reforms which lead to national reforms and national reforms which lead to reform for all humanity.
He aims for building a government based on protecting rights and law in Lebanon, pursuing reformation and change in selves prior to legal texts, working on the issuance of laws that aid in limiting the spread of corruption in Lebanon and improving living and social conditions of the Lebanese people .
In year 2013 he participated in a television program broadcasted by “AL JADID TV” named “AL ZAIM” where his significant presence enabled him to present his political program and reformative ideas through this show, He ran for office for the Maronite parliamentary seat in baabda district, but unfortunately the elections were unjustifiably postponed.
He believes in building a Lebanon that lasts for all citizens, and believes in job opportunities for everyone, each according to their capacity, where citizens live in prosperity and safety in their country.
And this cannot be achieved unless justice in its broad definition, human dignity is protected, and social justice and equality between citizens, are achieved, through setting a policy of broad social spectrum, narrowing the gap between social strata and combating all types of social out casting.
His central cause in removing the injustice covering the case of the two martyrs Imad Abboud and Corporal Philippe wanis, and tracking the case of the kidnaped and forcefully detained and the missing Lebanese, aiming to uncover their fate and releasing the captivated.
In addition to that, he respects the souls of the martyrs that fell defending the freedom and sovereignty and independence of Lebanon, and He sanctifies the sufferings of their families and the sacrifices of the activists for the cause.
He also believes that the Lebanese people are great, and deserve to be represented in parliament by those who are qualified and prioritize the public benefit over that of their own, for it is a duty upon the voters to know for whom they are voting, for not every claimer of reformation is aiming for it … maybe not due to bad intentions, but lack of understating of its true meaning … which burdens Lebanon and its people both moral and financial casualties.
This is the responsibility of everyone amidst this harsh situation of Lebanon … let the people claim responsibility in voting and accounting, and let the people exercise their democratic rights in voting those eligible for reform and change.
The coming elections bring an actual chance for demanding electoral programs that provide social stability for all the Lebanese people.
Only then, we shall be what we truly are … the great people of Lebanon.